Letter to our partners

Dear valued partners,

As we all navigate the unprecedented, extraordinary and evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we want you to assure our clients and customers, Nucor Environmental Solutions Ltd (NES) is monitoring the current National situation and we are proactively preparing to manage the associated risks.

NES has established a COVID Task Force Team. The team has implemented changes to our operations. These changes are to protect the health of individuals who are the driving force of all companies. Protecting our team and people around us is our priority. Nucor is a first responder in our communities so ensuring we have healthy crews to respond to the needs of our partners is also a top priority.

Office Environment Temporary Measures

  1. We have suspended third party cleaning staff in all our office locations. Cleaning will be performed by our internal COVID-19 cleaning crews for all our fixed facilities. Cleaning will be performed daily and include a once per week deep cleaning

  2. Office Staff have been equipped to work from home with essential staff on rotating shifts

  3. Access to our buildings has been restricted to essential personnel and we have introduced entry protocols. All visitors must sign in with time, date, company name. Deliveries to be left at the door and will be collected by trained staff.

  4. All meetings of 5 or more people will be held via conference call and or video conferencing. All meetings under 5 must maintain 2 to 3 m personal space

  5. Minimizing physical paper movement (field to office). NES has developed internal apps, working on additional apps to help reduce paperwork from field to office

  6. We have suspended all non-essential travel\

  7. Employees who have weakened immune system or lives with individuals with weakened immune system will work from home

Site Locations Temporary Measures

  1. NES has implemented a crew segregation strategy to minimize or eliminate interaction between team members. Sites with large crews have been broken into multiple crews with staggered start times. This important measure will allow us to mitigate the impact on our crews if some of our team members contract COVID-19

  2. We have eliminated movement of crews from high-risk locations such as airports and hospitals to lower risk sites

  3. Our site offices and lunchrooms are being disinfected

  4. Thermal infrared thermometers will be on all our sites to pre-screen workers

  5. All sub trades, visitors will be required to fill out COVID-19 screening questionnaire

The above measures will allow the Nucor Environmental Solutions team to minimize the impact of this pandemic and maintain project schedules.


We are in contact with all our suppliers and have secured key consumables for all our sites. We currently have adequate stock in our warehouse locations in BC, AB and ON for our client’s response needs. NES is currently securing additional consumables and equipment.

Many NES clients have reached out asking for assistance with cleaning activities. NES has an industrial hygienist on staff who has developed Safe Work Procedures specific to the cleaning of COVID-19. NES can help and support clients who need this service.

Nucor Environmental Solutions Ltd has a responsibility to help protect our team members and our community at large. These are stressful times for all. The potential mental strain many are facing should not be underestimated. NES will be monitoring our employees and providing assistance as required.

We all need to be diligent and do our part adhering to the measures implemented by our Governing bodies. Please do not take this situation lightly.

Be aware, Be safe, and Be a leader in our communities. Help your neighbours when and where possible. Every positive action creates a positive reaction.



Jim Dumelie
Nucor Environmental Solutions Ltd

Roland van den Hout